The Egyptian Tax Authority announces its need to fill the following positions (Tax Officer - Systems Specialist - Development Specialist - Clerk - Support Services) through secondment
Based on the approval of Mr. / Minister of Finance dated 08/12/2024, the Egyptian Tax Authority announces its need to fill the following positions through secondment from government agencies and departments subject to the provisions of the Civil Service Law issued by Law
No. 81 of 2016 during the fiscal year 2024/2025:
Examination Tax Officer
Systems and Regulations Specialist
Administrative Development Specialist
Qualitative Group
Required Number
Finance and Accounting
Administrative Development
Craftsman / Support Services
Craftsman / Support Services
The applicant must be among the employees of private government agencies, Hamam Mamoun Civil No. 1 of 2016 and Appointees to the first chapter of permanent job wages.
The applicant must be an employee of the first specialized job level in the qualitative group of finance and accounting jobs or below, who has obtained a Bachelor of Commerce degree in the accounting department from one of the Egyptian universities subject to the Universities Regulation Law No. 49 of 1972 with a general grade of no less than (good) and the age must not exceed 40 years to work as a tax inspector.
The applicant must be an employee of the first specialized job level in the qualitative group of law jobs or below, who has obtained a Bachelor of Laws degree or a Bachelor of Sharia and Law degree from one of the Egyptian universities subject to the Universities Regulation Law No. 49 of 1972 with a general grade of no less than (good