Job opportunities in Italy with salaries of 180 thousand, incentives and allowances
Good news from the Ministry of Manpower for those seeking a job opportunity in the European labor markets, as the "Ministry" revealed new job opportunities for Egyptians wishing to travel to Italy, 88 thousand job opportunities in Italy with salaries of 180 thousand, incentives and allowances
Vacancies in Italy
Land transportation, construction, tourism, hotels, mechanics, communications, food, shipbuilding and other sectors required to travel immediately to Italy.
This is after the issuance of a decree by the Italian Council of Ministers regarding the flow of workers to Italy from outside the European countries. With which it had concluded bilateral agreements in the field of labor migration, which amount to about 32 countries, including Egypt.
For Egyptians wishing to travel for work, 88 thousand seasonal and freelance jobs in Italy
Regarding the nature of work in Italy, the Italian Labor Representation Office explained that the total share of work in Italy designated for the entry of foreigners residing outside Europe to Italy amounts to about 88 thousand work contracts to work in Italy for Arabic speakers,
Work contracts in Italy for Egyptians
Work contracts in Italy for Egyptians include seasonal and non-seasonal job opportunities or the trend towards freelance work. Of these, there are 40,525 job opportunities for Egyptians with open residence for those who love freelance work. And 39,475 seasonal work contracts that end at the end of the year.
Seasonal job opportunities in Italy in land transport
The labor report in Italy indicated that the quota for obtaining a non-seasonal job reaches 40,525 contracts from the total quota mentioned above, which includes land transport, construction, building, hotels, mechanics, communications, food and shipbuilding bodies, and that the quota for freelance work opportunities "self-employed" reaches 900 contracts, including 370 contracts for foreigners who have residence permits for study or vocational training in Italy.
And 30 contracts for foreigners who have long-term residence permits in another country and 500 contracts for foreigners residing outside Europe, for example, categories of entrepreneurs with investments of no less than 650 thousand euros per month and the creation of at least three new jobs in Italy, as well as those holding senior management positions in companies and categories of famous artists.
22,000 job opportunities in the agricultural sector
The report explained that the allocated share of seasonal job opportunities amounts to 44,000 contracts for Arabs, including 22,000 contracts in the agricultural sector, and this share targets the agriculture, tourism and hotel sectors.
The report indicated that applications for the recruitment of workers residing abroad are submitted by Italian employers or foreign employers residing legally in Italy, after ensuring that the required workers are not available within Italian territory, as Article 9 of the circular requires the employer to verify this in advance through the competent labor or employment office. If these workers are available within Italy, he cannot recruit them from abroad.
The aforementioned circular authorized the Italian Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, after one hundred and twenty days from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette, to carry out a re-division of the total share determined above according to the needs of the work if large unused shares of the aforementioned shares are found. The aforementioned circular also left the determination of the executive provisions for its application to each of the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, and the Ministry of Agricultural and Food Policies after consulting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
For his part, the head of the Italian Labor Representation Institution explained that the "office" is following up and communicating with all the relevant Italian authorities to obtain the largest number of job opportunities available for Egyptian workers in the required professions, indicating that Italian or non-Italian factory owners residing in Italy legally and after completing all legal procedures have the right to bring in workers and that the application process will begin at the end of next March and then the announcement and application for those professions will be made by the company owners.
Hamzawi added that the Labor Representation Office is also following up on the joint statement that will be issued by the Italian ministries and professional bodies regarding the executive provisions of the decree.
Details of jobs for Egyptians in Italy
The head of the Italian Labor Representation Authority said that the office is following up and communicating with all relevant Italian authorities to ensure that Egyptian workers obtain the largest number of required professions.
Application date for jobs for Egyptians in Italy
The spokesman explained that the application process will begin on March 27th and the method of advertising and applying for those professions will be determined by business owners.
He added that the Labor Representation Office is now following up on the joint statement that will be issued by the Italian ministries and professional bodies regarding the executive provisions of the decree.
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The head of the Labor Representation Office in Italy revealed that the office is following up and communicating with all relevant Italian authorities to ensure that Egyptian workers obtain the largest number of jobs in the required professions.
The total quota set for the entry of residents outside European countries to Italy according to the decree amounted to about 88 thousand job opportunities for seasonal, non-seasonal and self-employment work, including 38,705 non-seasonal and freelance residence permits and 44,000 seasonal job permits.
It reaches 40,525 contracts from the total share mentioned above and includes land transport, construction, building, hotels, mechanics, communications, food and shipbuilding entities and that the share of self-employment opportunities "self-employed" reaches 900 contracts, including 370 contracts for foreigners who have residence permits for study or vocational training in Italy.
And 30 contracts for foreigners who have long-term residence permits in another country and 500 contracts for foreigners residing outside Europe, for example, the categories of entrepreneurs with investments of no less than 650 thousand euros per month and the creation of at least three new jobs in Italy, as well as those holding senior management positions in companies and categories of famous artists.
22,000 job opportunities in the agricultural sector
The report explained that the allocated share of seasonal job opportunities amounts to 44,000 contracts for Arabs, including 22,000 contracts in the agricultural sector, and this share targets the agriculture, tourism and hotel sectors.
The report indicated that applications for the recruitment of workers residing abroad are submitted by Italian employers or foreign employers residing legally in Italy, after ensuring that the required workers are not available within Italian territory, as Article 9 of the circular requires the employer to verify this in advance through the competent labor or employment office. If these workers are available within Italy, he cannot recruit them from abroad.
The aforementioned circular authorized the Italian Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, after one hundred and twenty days from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette, to carry out a re-division of the total share determined above according to the needs of the work if large unused shares of the aforementioned shares are found. The aforementioned circular also left the determination of the executive provisions for its application to each of the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, and the Ministry of Agricultural and Food Policies after consulting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
For his part, the head of the Italian Labor Representation Institution explained that the "office" is following up and communicating with all the relevant Italian authorities to obtain the largest number of job opportunities available for Egyptian workers in the required professions, indicating that Italian or non-Italian factory owners residing in Italy legally and after completing all legal procedures have the right to bring in workers and that the application process will begin at the end of next March and then the announcement and application for those professions will be made by the company owners.
Hamzawi added that the Labor Representation Office is also following up on the joint statement that will be issued by the Italian ministries and professional bodies regarding the executive provisions of the decree.
Details of jobs for Egyptians in Italy
The head of the Italian Labor Representation Authority said that the office is following up and communicating with all relevant Italian authorities to ensure that Egyptian workers obtain the largest number of required professions.
He added that Italian or non-Italian company owners residing in Italy legally and after completing all legal procedures have the right to bring in workers.
Application date for jobs for Egyptians in Italy
The spokesman explained that the application process will begin on March 27th and the method of advertising and applying for those professions will be determined by business owners.
He added that the Labor Representation Office is now following up on the joint statement that will be issued by the Italian ministries and professional bodies regarding the executive provisions of the decree.
Al-Usbu' provides its followers with knowledge of everything related to the service, including the steps and how to implement it, as part of an ongoing service it provides to its visitors in various fields. You can follow up by clicking here.
The head of the Labor Representation Office in Italy revealed that the office is following up and communicating with all relevant Italian authorities to ensure that Egyptian workers obtain the largest number of jobs in the required professions.
The total quota set for the entry of residents outside European countries to Italy according to the decree amounted to about 88 thousand job opportunities for seasonal, non-seasonal and self-employment work, including 38,705 non-seasonal residence permits and free age and 44,000 seasonal job permits.
He pointed out: The quota set for non-seasonal job opportunities amounts to 40,575 thousand work contracts, including land transportation, construction, building, hotels, mechanics, communications, food and shipbuilding.
Jobs in Italy for Arabs
He pointed out that the quota allocated for freelance work for those seeking a job opportunity in Italy amounts to 1,100 contracts, including 452 contracts for foreigners who have residence permits for study or vocational training in Italy, 30 for Arabs, and 500 permits for Arabic speakers, for example, entrepreneurs with investments of no less than 500,000 euros and the creation of at least three new jobs in Italy, as well as those holding senior management positions in companies and categories of well-known artists.
He added: The quota allocated for seasonal work amounts to 44,000 permits for foreigners residing outside the European Union countries, including 22,000 permits in the agricultural sector, and this quota targets the agriculture, tourism and hotel sectors.
He explained that the provisions of this circular and the submission of applications begin at 9:00 a.m. on the 60th day from the date of publication of this circular in the Italian Official Gazette, and that the submission of applications for the recruitment of workers residing abroad is done by Italian employers or foreign employers legally residing in Italy after ensuring that the labor required to be recruited is not available within Italian territory. He stressed that Article 9 of this circular requires the employer to verify this in advance through the competent labor or employment representative, and if this labor is available within Italy, he cannot recruit it from abroad.
The aforementioned decree authorised the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, after 120 days from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette, to carry out a re-division of the total share of job opportunities for Egyptians in Italy, in accordance with the needs of the labour market, if there are large unused shares of the aforementioned shares.